On Maundy Thursday this year we will learn about the first Lord’s Supper, actually a Seder meal, by following the tradition of the Seder. We will sit together at tables in the sanctuary and do just what Jesus and his disciples did 2,000 years ago. There will be no child care offered, because the Seder was a family meal. Since part of the Seder was an actual meal they shared together, we too will share a pitch-in meal. Bring something for about fifteen people… a side dish, main dish, dessert, salad… to share with the rest of the church. We’ll start at 6:00pm and finish around 7:30.
On Good Friday, we’ll gather at the table back in the sanctuary for meditation and worship. We’ll study God’s word around each table, and meditate together on the seven last words of Christ. We will not be sharing a meal that night, but again, our children will be with us at the table. Come ready to see Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross in a new way. We’ll begin at 7:00pm and finish around 8:00pm.