April Showers
APRIL SHOWERS | FOR RESOURCES OF HOPE Saturday, April 5, 2-4pm in the Activity Center Come out for an afternoon of fun and community as we learn more about Resources of...
APRIL SHOWERS | FOR RESOURCES OF HOPE Saturday, April 5, 2-4pm in the Activity Center Come out for an afternoon of fun and community as we learn more about Resources of...
SAVE THE DATES | APRIL 17 & 18 On Maundy Thursday this year we will learn about the first Lord’s Supper, actually a Seder meal, by following the tradition of...
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL | JUNE 23-27 VBS is coming up June 23-27 (9-11:30am) for children who are potty trained; and age 3 before August 1 and up to entering kindergarten in...
TRUE NORTH VBS | VOLUNTEERS FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL Welcome to True North VBS at New Hope Church. We are so excited to have preschool VBS from 9:00-11:30am, June 23-27th. We will have...
STARS DAY CAMP | JUNE 23-27 STARS Day Camp is open to current K-4th graders and will be held Monday through Friday, June 23-27, from 9am to 4pm. Campers will participate in...
CHILDREN OF HOPE PRESCHOOL | REGISTRATIONS FOR 2025-26 We offer preschool for children at least 3 years of age as of August 1, 2025. We have openings for 3 day...