9th-12th grade

Sunday Evenings  •  6 – 8 PM  •  Youth Room

6th-8th grade

Sunday Evenings  •  6:30 – 8 PM  •  Youth Room


9th-12th grade

Sunday Evenings  •  6:00 – 8:00 PM  •  Youth Room (Special Events in the Summer instead of weekly meetings)


6th-8th grade

Sunday Evenings  •  6:00 – 8:00 PM  •  Youth Room (Special Events in the Summer instead of weekly meetings)

Our Vision

We want to equip students to:

Live like Jesus

Through biblical teaching, activities, and thoughtful discussion.

Love like Jesus

Through building community with each other and with caring adult mentors.

Go like Jesus

Through experiencing what mission looks like in everyday life, regionally, and internationally.

What to expect

  • Large group activities
  • Student-led worship
  • Relevant teaching
  • Interactive small groups
  • Seasonal events
  • Missional experiences

Building a foundation in 4 areas

1. Identity in Christ

Knowing who you are in Christ, having confidence that He loves you unconditionally and has a plan for your life.

2. Personal Disciplines & Calling

Being confident in what you know about God and your faith and being able to grow spiritually in your faith and serve others, using the gifts and abilities God has given you.

3. Faith Community

Creating authentic relationships with other Christians, both peers and adults, and recognizing that you play an important part in the life of the church.

4. Your Future

Becoming ready and equipped to go where God leads you in the next phase of your life, growing in and living out your faith, while also seeking out godly relationships to encourage and challenge you.

Nine Core Insights

  • Design of God’s creation
  • Identity based on God’s image
  • Connection because of God’s love
  • Faith in God’s Son
  • Transformation by the power of God’s Spirit
  • Truth according to God’s message
  • Restoration through participating in God’s story
  • Compassion that reflects God’s character
  • Community in the context of God’s family

Our interim Youth Pastor is Jason Kempf.