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Kroger Rewards

DONATE TO NEW HOPE WHILE YOU SHOP Please be sure to sign up New Hope Church as your charity for community rewards through Kroger Community Rewards. It doesn't cost you...

Starting Point, August 6

STARTING POINT | AUGUST 6, 11:15-11:45AM New to New Hope Church? Been attending for awhile? Like to know more about New Hope? If you would like to get to know us...

Student Ministries

MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS | GATHERINGS ON SUNDAYS, 6-8PM Student Ministries Gatherings for grades 6-12 are each Sunday, 6-8pm in the Youth Room. There are times for games,...


ASL CLASSES | START AUGUST 16, 6:30-7:30PM Do you know what letters the hands in the above graphic say? You will find out when you take the American Sign Language classes...

Baptisms, August 20

SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 | 11:15AM Please join us on Sunday, August 20, as we celebrate baptism around 11:15am.

Women’s Bible Study

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY | WEDNESDAYS @ 8AM Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us...

Covenant Members Meeting

COVENANT MEMBERS MEETING | SEPTEMBER 10 @ 11:15AM Would you like to know what is going on in our church? Come to the Covenant Members Meeting in the Gym on Sunday,...

KidMin Help

AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU | HELP WITH KIDMINWe are currently looking to fill a few voids in our KidMin on Sunday mornings. Our desire is to have a rotation of individuals...

Student Ministry Families Lunch

STUDENT MINISTRY FAMILIES LUNCH | SEPT 17 AFTER CHURCH The families involved in Student Ministries will be gathering in the private dining room of McAlister’s Deli (1011 N. State Road...

Girls on the Go

GIRLS ON THE GO | SEPTEMBER 21 We will be going to the Artcraft Theatre on Thursday, September 21, to see "Singing in the Rain," made in 1952 with Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly,...

Starting Point

STARTING POINT | OCTOBER 1, 11:15-11:45AM New to New Hope Church? Been attending for awhile? Like to know more about New Hope? If you would like to get to know us...

Fall Fest

STUDENT MINISTRIES FALL FEST | GRADES 6-12 Students (6th grade-12th grade) are encouraged to join us this Sunday, October 8, from 6:00-8:00 pm for a fun evening featuring hayrides, chili...

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