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STARS Day Camp Team Registrations

STARS DAY CAMP | TEAM MEMBER APPLICATIONS STARS Day Camp is a week-long summer camp (June 14-21) which provides an opportunity to show Jesus' love and care for these campers and...

Starting Point

STARTING POINT | MARCH 17, 11:15-11:45AM New to New Hope Church? Been attending for awhile? Like to know more about New Hope? If you would like to get to know us...

Thurdsday Fun Night

THURDSDAY FUN NIGHT | MARCH 21, 6:30-8PM We will watch the movie, "One Night with the King" which connects with the sermon series we have been doing on Esther. Children...

Solar Eclipse Presentation

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE PRESENTATION | MARCH 24 @ 8:45AM Interested in learning more about the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse? Rick Galloway will be giving a presentation and explanation about the...

Seder Meal

MAUNDY THURSDAY | MARCH 28 @ 7:00PM Please join us this Easter season for a Seder Meal in the Activity Center (lower level entrance) starting at 7:00PM. The Seder is...

Solar Eclipse

SOLAR ECLIPSE | VIEWING We are offering our parking lot as a viewing site for the Solar Eclipse happening on Monday, April 8, 2024. People can camp the weekend of...

STARS Day Camp Registrations

STARS CAMPER REGISTRATION STARS Day Camp is coming up June 17-21 for children who have completed kindergarten through fourth grade. We are looking to Start the Party with those attending. The cost...

Honor Grads

SENIOR NIGHT RECOGNITION | DEADLINE OF APRIL 14 The Student Ministry Team would like to extend an invitation to our graduating seniors and their families to participate in our Senior...


FAMILY DEDICATION | APRIL 14 At New Hope Church, the Family Dedication Service is a time for parents to dedicate both their children and themselves to God. In taking this...

Thurdsday Game Night

THURDSDAY FAMILY GAME NIGHT | APRIL 18, 6:30-8PM Please join us for some friendly competition in our Family Game Night. Children are welcome to play with us or play kid-friendly games....

Starting Point

STARTING POINT | APRIL 28, 11:15-11:45AM New to New Hope Church? Been attending for awhile? Like to know more about New Hope? If you would like to get to know us...

Bonson/Vrshek Reception

COH | DIRECTOR & ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CHANGES Our Children of Hope Preschool Director and Co-Founder, Nancy Bonson, is stepping down at the end of the school year. Stephanie Vrshek, Assistant...

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