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Honor Grads

SENIOR NIGHT RECOGNITION | DEADLINE OF APRIL 14 The Student Ministry Team would like to extend an invitation to our graduating seniors and their families to participate in our Senior...


FAMILY DEDICATION | APRIL 14 At New Hope Church, the Family Dedication Service is a time for parents to dedicate both their children and themselves to God. In taking this...

Thurdsday Game Night

THURDSDAY FAMILY GAME NIGHT | APRIL 18, 6:30-8PM Please join us for some friendly competition in our Family Game Night. Children are welcome to play with us or play kid-friendly games....

Starting Point

STARTING POINT | APRIL 28, 11:15-11:45AM New to New Hope Church? Been attending for awhile? Like to know more about New Hope? If you would like to get to know us...

Bonson/Vrshek Reception

COH | DIRECTOR & ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CHANGES Our Children of Hope Preschool Director and Co-Founder, Nancy Bonson, is stepping down at the end of the school year. Stephanie Vrshek, Assistant...


FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY | SUNDAYS, JUNE 2-JULY 28 We will offer classes to help you manage your household income and expenses. Dave Ramsey's FPU is a proven tool to help...

SM Kickoff

STUDENT MINISTRIES SUMMER KICKOFF & WELCOME On Sunday, June 2, we will be welcoming our new sixth graders into our student ministry and promoting our incoming freshmen students to INFUSE....

STARS Thank You

THANK YOU | STARS DAY CAMP & VBS Our annual STARS Day Camp and Vacation Bible School week was a huge success, thanks to so many of you! First, thank you...

Kroger Community Rewards

DONATE TO NEW HOPE WHILE YOU SHOP | KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS Kroger donates a portion of their sales to New Hope for everyone who has chosen New Hope to receive Community...


BAPTISM | JULY 21 Baptism is a public testimony of your belief and commitment to follow Jesus Christ in every aspect of your life. Devoting your life to Christ is...

Youth Mini Golf & SnoBalls

MINI GOLF & SNOBALLS | JULY 14 Middle School and High School students will meet at Otte Family Fun Center (681 Sheek Rd, Greenwood) on Sunday, July 14, at 6pm....

Blood Drive

BLOOD DRIVE | JULY 17, 5:15-8:30PM Help save someone’s live by donating blood. Versiti Blood Center will be here at New Hope on Wednesday, July 17, from 5:15-8:30pm in the Activity...

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