Christmas Eve Offering
CHRISTMAS OFFERING | CHILDREN OF HOPE PRESCHOOL Our Christmas offering this year will benefit Children of Hope Preschool. Please make the check payable to New Hope Church. You may give through...
CHRISTMAS OFFERING | CHILDREN OF HOPE PRESCHOOL Our Christmas offering this year will benefit Children of Hope Preschool. Please make the check payable to New Hope Church. You may give through...
GREECE MISSION WORK | DECEMBER 15 Griffin Parker has been doing mission work in Greece. Griffin will be speaking about his work during our December 15 service. Following the baptisms,...
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE | 5PM We will hold our candlelight service on Tuesday, December 24, at 5pm. Nursery and Toddler care is provided.
PLAY GROUP | WEDNESDAYS 10-11:30AM Children of Hope is offering a play time for infant-age 5 children. It will be on Wednesdays, 10-11:30am, in the gym starting January 8. We will...
GENERATION CHANGE | CLASS FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS Generation Change: 9-week class for high schoolers (especially juniors and seniors) reflecting on God's desire for our relationship with him and with money....
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY | CLASS FOR ADULTS Financial Peace University: Classes run on Wednesdays, January 22 through March 19, from 7 pm to 9 pm at New Hope in room...
GALENTINE'S BRUNCH | FOR GALS ON FEB 8 Ladies, you are invited to a Galentine's Day Brunch filled with friendship and fun! There will be food, music, a short devotional,...