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Christmas Eve Service

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE | 5PM We will hold our candlelight service on Tuesday, December 24, at 5pm. Nursery and Toddler care is provided.

Play Group

PLAY GROUP | WEDNESDAYS 10-11:30AM Children of Hope is offering a play time for infant-age 5 children. It will be on Wednesdays, 10-11:30am, in the gym starting January 8. We will...

Generation Change

GENERATION CHANGE | CLASS FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS Generation Change: 9-week class for high schoolers (especially juniors and seniors) reflecting on God's desire for our relationship with him and with money....

Girls on the Go

GIRLS ON THE GO EVENTS | JAN & FEB Happy new year ladies! 🎉 On Friday, January 24 at 12:30, we will be celebrating the new year by eating lunch...

Galentine’s Day Brunch

GALENTINE'S BRUNCH | FOR GALS ON FEB 8 Ladies, you are invited to a Galentine's Day Brunch filled with friendship and fun! There will be food, music, a short devotional,...

Women’s Ministry Survey

WOMEN'S MINISTRY SURVEY | CONNECTING WITH EACH OTHER We would like to "get a beat" on the interests and needs of the women in our church community to grow our...

STARS Day Camp Team

STARS DAY CAMP | TEAM MEMBER APPLICATIONS STARS Day Camp is a week-long summer camp (June 20-27) which provides an opportunity to show Jesus' love and care for these campers and...

Covenant Members Meeting Feb 23

COVENANT MEMBERS MEETING | FEB 23 We invite you to join us for our Covenant Members Meeting where we give updates about the current health and direction of New Hope Church....

COH Wish List

CHILDREN OF HOPE NEEDS | CHECK OUT OUR WISH LIST We need items to help us teach our little ones in our weekday preschool. You may find a list on our Amazon...

Meals for Student Ministries

STUDENT MINISTRIES MEALS | SIGN UP TO HELP Teenagers LOVE to eat, and providing a food donation is a great way to serve our teens during our Student Ministry Gatherings! We...

Baptisms on March 30

BAPTISM | MARCH 30 Baptism is a public testimony of your belief and commitment to follow Jesus Christ in every aspect of your life. Devoting your life to Christ is an...

April Showers

APRIL SHOWERS | FOR RESOURCES OF HOPE Saturday, April 5, 2-4pm in the Activity Center Come out for an afternoon of fun and community as we learn more about Resources of...