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Connections Class

CONNECTIONS CLASS | SUNDAYS @ 10:30AM IN ROOM C23 Looking for ways to make deeper connections with the Sunday sermon? With the Bible? With other folks at New Hope? The Connections...

Event Yet to be Named

EVENT YET TO BE NAMED | CONTACT JIMMY BY 9/15 We plan on holding a new event this year for Christmas . . . decorating the walking path! If you or...

ESL Volunteers

ESL | TEACHERS & CHILDCARE NEEDED Is communication your strong point? Or does helping care for children something you enjoy? Starting August 15, we will offer ESL (English as a second...


ROOTED | BEGINS AUG 16 @ 6:30PM Are you looking to get connected? Come join us for a ten week Bible study on the rhythms of discipleship. The Rooted material...

Third Thursday Fun Night

THIRD THURSDAY FUN NIGHT | AUGUST 18 @ 6:30PM Please join us in the Activity Center downstairs for our first Third Thursday Fun Night. It is a pitch-in and game...

Covenant Members Meeting

COVENANT MEMBERS MEETING | AUGUST 21 Would you like to know what is going on in our church? Come to the Covenant Members Meeting in the Gym on Sunday, August...

Labor Day Weekend Picnic

PITCH-IN PICNIC | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 11:30AM In celebration of the Labor Day weekend, we will have our usual 9 & 10:30am Worship Services followed by a Pitch-In Picnic. Following...

Third Thurdsday

CHILI COOKOFF | SEPTEMBER 15, 6:30PM Does your chili set your mouth on fire? Bring it and we will see who can make the best chili. First place prize is...


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 | BETWEEN SERVICES Baptism is a public testimony of your belief and commitment to follow Jesus Christ in every aspect of your life. Devoting your life to...


ASL CLASSES | SEPT 21 - DEC 14 Do you know what letters the hands in the above graphic say? You will find out when you take the ASL classes...

Girls on the Go

GIRLS ON THE GO | BROWN COUNTY ON TUES, SEPT 27 Our church buses will no longer be available. Our church is going to be selling them. They are not...

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